Neboysha Saikovski


Neboysha Saikovski

Neboysha Saikovski

Crime Fiction, Thriller, Suspense, Mystery, Action & Adventure

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  • Member Since

    Feb 2021

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  • Country

    Bosnia & Herzegovina

  • Born

    05 June

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Neboysha Saikovski is the author of the Pink Panthers trilogy, including the first novel “The Greatest Thieves in the World”, which was published globally in June this year. 

As a logistics specialist having worked for large international organizations and corporations such as the United Nations, Halliburton/KBR, or DynCorp, he was stationed for twenty years working in areas consumed by ferocious civil wars in Bosnia and Serbia or the occupation of Afghanistan and Iraq. He is an author who lived and worked on 4 continents and witnessed 4 wars, walking the paths of his characters, therefore being able to turn his extensive experience into inspirational and instructive fiction and non-fiction narratives. 

Saikovski's novels are telling stories about paradoxes of the modern world where evil reigns while chivalry yet survives and he writes only based-on-true-events stories which have it all, a powerful blend of real-life situations and crime thriller, shaking family experience, and gripping war and political drama.

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